Mak Chari or Teosinte

Mak Chari or Teosinte (Euchlaena mexicana)

Local name: Hindi: Makiya

Mak Chari is a close relative of cultivated Maize. It is a kharif crop and requires hot and temperate climate. It has high tolerance to flooding and excessive soil moisture. It is highly valued as silage, hay and for soiling. It requires rich and well drained soils for good growth. The plants tiller profusely and give rise to a number of shoots forming thick clumps. The fodder  is ready between 90-100 days. The yield of  fodder  is about 350 to  500 quintals per hectare. When fed as a sole feed in the form of green, it can meet the maintenance requirements of  animals. It also makes good  silage and hay. Important  varieties include Sirsa, Rah, Maizente-1, Maizente- 2, etc.