
Stylo (Stylosanthes hamata)

Stylo is a vigorous summer growing perennial which grows to the height of 60-90 cm and tend to root at the nodes. It is found generally adjuscent the costal regions of North and South America and introduced in many tropical regions of India. It is adapted to wide range of soil types and is drought resistant.

Though not  very palatable at the initial  stages, once the animals are accustomed to  it, they graze the plant readily. Seeds can be sown at the rate of 3-4 kg per hectare. The green forage production  ranges from 20-30 ton per hectare, while dry forage is 6-10 ton per hectare. It contains about 10-11% CP, 0.61-1.72% calcium, 0.10-0.12% phosphorus and 7.0-14.2% ash