Isabgol gola and Isabgol lali

Isabgol gola and Isabgol lali (Plantago ovata)

Common names: Psyllium husk, Psyllium seeds, Plantago, Ispaghula, Fleam.

Local names: Hindi: Isabgol Sanskrit: Isabgulam, Snigdhbijam Bangla: Isabgol Gujarati:

Udhamjeru Marathi: Isabgol

Isabgol (Plantago ovata) is an annual herb that grows to a height of 12 to 18 in. It is indigenous to the Mediterranean region and West Asia.   It has been introduced in India and cultivated specially in Gujarat and some parts of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Psyllium mucilage is also used as a natural dietary fibre for animals. The dehusked seed that remains after the seed coat is milled  off  is rich  in  starch and fatty  acids and is used in India as cattle feed. The Psyllium husk recovered after dehusking process is also used as cattle feed.

Nutritive value

Isabgol lali contains 30-40% CP and 21.3% EE, 1.0% CF, 28.1% NFE, 1.4% P and 0.9% Ca on dry matter basis. Thus, it is good source of protein and energy. Isabgol gola contain about 18-20% CP.


Isabgol lali and gola can be used up to 25% and 50% level, respectively in concentrate mixture for cattle (Talpada et al., 2002).