Pandharpuri is native breed of Maharashtra. They are named after the name of the geographical area i.e. Pandharpur block in Solapur district of Maharashtra. The breeding tract includes Solapur, Sangli and Kolhapur districts of Maharashtra. These buffaloes are concentrated in Pandharpur, North Solapur, South Solapur, Barshi, Akkalkot, Sangola and Mangalvedha tehsils of Solapur district; Miraj, Walwa, Jathand Tasgaon tehsils of Sangli district; and Karveer, Shirol, Panhala, Radhanagri, Hatkanangale and Gadhinglaj tehsils of Kolhapur district. Gawali and Joshi are local breeders in breeding tract. The animals have multiple milk let down capability. Farmer takes animals to customer’s door and milks as per requirement. Then the animals are taken to the next customer and are milked again. Like this it may take 30 to 40 minutes for complete milking of the animal. Pandharpuri buffaloes are usually black in colour but colour varies from light to deep black. White markings are found on forehead; legs and tail in few animals. Horns are very long and extend beyond shoulder blade, sometimes up to pin bones. These are of three types i.e. 1. Bharkand - curving back ward and usually twisted. 2. Toki - curving backward, upward and usually twisted outward. 3. Meti - flat running down The Nasal bone is very prominent, long and straight. The buffaloes produce on an average 1790 kilo grams of milk per lactation with fat % of 8.
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Compiled by Animal Breeding Group, NDDB from Information System on Animal Genetic Resources of India (AGRI-IS)- developed at National Bureau of Animal genetic Resources, Karnal, Hariana, India.