Rice bran de-oiled

Rice bran de-oiled

Local name: Tamil: Thavidu

In areas where rice is produced, rice bran is a major by-product. It consists of the fibrous outer layer of the grain, some hull, chipped grain and calcium carbonate which is added during milling process. Raw rice bran contains 13-19% oil which is removed by solvent extraction process leading to production of deoiled rice bran.

Nutritive value

The crude protein ranges from 13-16% and TDN from 55-65%. It is a good source of proteins, vitamins and minerals. It also contains better assortment of amino acids, particularly lysine and methionine, compared to other cereal grains, including maize and wheat. The phosphorus content is high (1.30%) and calcium content is low. Though much of the phosphorus exists as phytate phosphorus, rumen microorganism can digest phytate phosphorus.

Deleterious factors

Rice bran contains variable quantities of hulls. Rice hulls are high in silica, which makes them very abrasive. Because of their high silica content they have extremely low digestibility.