Sudan grass

Sudan grass (Sorghum vulgare)

Local name: Sudan grass

Sudab grass is near relative of Sorghums and Baru  grass.  It   grows   120-240  cm   in   height and is adapted to the same conditions as the sorghums.

Nutritive value

Sorghum-Sudan grass hybrids fit best in summer feeding programs. They are thick stemmed and hard to dry for hay but they can supply ample yields of silage, green chop and pasture when perennial grasses are slowing down or going dormant.   Once  Sorghum-Sudan  grass  begins to   head  out,   the  quality   and  feeding  value drop drastically. It is difficult to meet nutrient requirements of high production or early lactating milking cows when Sorghum-Sudan grass is a large part of the forage intake. It is more suited to rations for dry cows, replacement heifers over 12 months of age, beef cows and calves. It contains about 6-8% crude protein and 50-60% total digestible nutrients.